Take Back Your Traffic with Retargeting
When you think about your goals for digital advertising, one of your top focuses might be driving traffic to your website. But, it is also important to think about how to get conversions from consumers once they land on a given page on your website. Many modern consumers will spend a good deal of time “window shopping” and doing research before making a purchase—especially with big ticket items—so they may stop by your website without following through with a conversion on the first visit. To regain a customer’s attention when he or she is ready to buy, you might rely on retargeting. With retargeting, you can position ads toward customers who have already seen your website, offering special promotions or offers that might draw them back in.
How does retargeting work?
Retargeting relies on cookies, which are small files that store specific pieces of information, typically the time and length of a visit to a website as well as the products viewed and pages visited. Retargeting cookies are anonymous, and they are necessary for identifying the right groups to position ads to in the future. Using the information gathered from targeting, a vendor will be able to place ads within select exchanges to make ad visibility likely among those window shoppers who stop by your website.
What are the best practices for retargeting?
The goal of retargeting is to achieve conversions, so you should limit retargeted ads to audiences who did not convert on their first visit to your site. While it may be effective to simply host generic ads that keep your company’s name in the back of a potential customer’s mind, it is usually ideal to create ads with clear calls to action as well as special offers that can make a purchase with you more worthwhile than a purchase from your competitors.
How should you set up your retargeting campaign?
Retargeting may be facilitated through large ad platforms or through social media sites, each of which has its own unique benefits. Regardless of which method you choose, you should be sure to keep clear conversion and impression goals in mind while creating multiple campaigns for various types of shoppers.
If you want to learn more about retargeting and its potential for recapturing your leads, connect with one of our team members today. Local Search Essentials can help you be seen in all the right places to ensure your online marketing is a success.