
Seven Ways to Generate Leads From Instagram

Instagram has been the fastest growing social media platform over the last several years, and now has hundreds of millions of daily users, making it an important place for all businesses to consider doing their marketing.

Until recently, it may have seemed like a platform that wasn’t necessarily ideal for generating leads, but that has definitely changed. Instagram now has several viable ways that businesses can use the platform to generate leads quickly and more affordable.

Let’s cover seven of them.

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Eight Ways You Should Be Marketing on LinkedIn in 2019

LinkedIn continues to be the strongest social media platform for B2B marketing. In addition to being the easiest social channel for finding targeted B2B audiences, LinkedIn has made an aggressive push over the last 12 months to turn itself into a more powerful content marketing platform. This gives you a lot of new options to use LinkedIn for effective marketing in just about any industry.

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Nine Videos Every Small Business Should Create And Use For Their Marketing

As we all know, video has become a very important format for marketing for all types of businesses and all types of marketing platforms. From YouTube to Facebook, to Instagram, video has become the most important format of content in today’s marketing world.

How can you take advantage of video at your business? There are nine videos that every small business should use that are simple to create, but have a big impact.

Here they are.

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content marketing

The Six-Step Process For Creating Marketing Content Even When You Are Very Busy

We’ve all heard that we should be creating more content for our business. Blog posts, videos, podcasts, and social media content (content marketing) have all become a requirement of marketing and growth in just about every industry.


But creating content is definitely time-consuming, and can be the last thing on your list of things to get done on an already busy day. So here’s a six-step process for creating more content even when you’re really busy.

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