How Big Should Your Content Marketing Budget Be? Use Our Planning Formula To Find Out…

Marketing Thought Leader Seth Godin has said that “Content marketing is all the marketing that’s left.” If you believe him, then your Content Marketing Budget for content had better reflect the strategic role it has in your marketing plan.


Nearly all businesses have at least some sort of funds allocated to content marketing. According to eMarketer, 84% of all businesses used digital content marketing in 2018.


But how much should you expect to invest in the creation and promotion of content?

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customer-centric marketing

7 Entrepreneurs Every Business Owner Should Follow

The path to growing a small business is never easy nor obvious for a potenial business owner. Sometimes we could all benefit from being able to get inside the head of a good mentor.

Lucky for us, more and more of the smartest people in business and life are sharing their insights online in blogs and podcasts. Whereas a few decades ago you’d have to buy books and attend talks in person, now mind-blowingly great advice is just a few clicks away!

We’ve compiled a list of 10 of the best entrepreneurs that every business owner should be following. Their content and vision will help you cut out bad habits, embrace change and adopt growth strategies that will have an impact.

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content marketing

3 Things You Can Do Immediately To Get Better Response From Your Content Marketing

Not getting the fast results you’re expecting from your content marketing efforts? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We talk to a lot of business owners and marketers, and many of them share that they feel like their content is often falling on deaf ears.

Here are five things you can do today to get more response from your content.

Find a More Intriguing Topic

No, we aren’t suggesting that you start creating content about something else entirely just because it’s a more popular topic.

But we ARE saying that you should do your homework to find the most intriguing angle on the topic you are writing on to give it the best chance at really resonating with your audience.

One way to do this is to look at currently trending stories related to your topic.

One of our old marketing mentors said that we should always “try to speak to the conversation that’s already happening in their mind.”

He meant that if you can find a way to relate your message to something they are already paying attention to and focused on, you’ll have a better chance at getting their attention for yourself.

Your challenge is to find a trending topic that’s already getting a lot of attention, and then tie your message to that topic in a creative way that doesn’t seem too forced!

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