social profiles Local Search Essentials

5 Simple Ways to Optimize Your Social Profiles to Generate More Leads & Customers

A robust social media following is fantastic — if it’s driving results. But if you have 100,000 followers on your social profiles who will never buy anything from you, then you’re wasting a lot of time and not making any money.

That’s why you should always be thinking about what you can do to bring more leads into your online social circle, and how you can turn those leads into paying customers. So I’m going to show you five simple steps you can take on your social media profiles to bring in more leads, and get more conversions.

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Instagram & LinkedIn

8 Ways to Increase Your Visibility and Engagement on LinkedIn

As LinkedIn’s popularity grows, so too should your desire to reach as many people as possible through this avenue. LinkedIn is really a different animal from other social media sites because you’re working exclusively with other business professionals. That also makes it a great way to make connections and pinpoint the content to the precise group you’re trying to reach.

But how do you get that content to reach as many people as possible? Read on to learn some of the surefire ways the Local Search Essentials team recommends to engage on LinkedIn.

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Why You Need a Social Media Presence

social mediaEvery business needs a social media presence, and most can benefit from actively trying to market and generate leads on the most popular social platforms.


The fact of the matter is that social media has become the preferred form of media in our day and age. 67% of people say they get their news from social media first, for instance. News breaking most often comes from shares or second-hand sources on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. In effect, content publishers have to have social media at the front of their mind if they hope for their outlet to get exposure for breaking a story as opposed to a competitor.


For businesses, this same principle holds true. If you aren’t active on social media, others may talk about your business and seize control of the narrative. Or, even worse, your business is all but invisible until someone else shares content or news talking about you.

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Why Your Business Needs Social Media

social mediaSocial media has profoundly changed the way we all use the internet, and that includes how businesses interact with their customers.


In the years since platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn were first introduced, they have evolved from an occasional distraction to the focal point of many people’s internet browsing. Conversations and content that used to be spread across multiple sites can all now be found in the same place: your social media newsfeed.


Businesses that ignore this transition face a harsh reality. Social media is often the first thing people check when they go online, and it may even be the only thing they check on any given day. Without a presence on social media, your business may very well be invisible!

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How to Market to Different Generations on Social Media


social media

Social media is becoming an ever-increasing part of running a business – but where do you start when you need to narrow down your target audience? What inspires each generation the most?

While it’s clear to see that social media platforms such as Facebook are firm favorites across the board, there are differences that could mean your marketing efforts aren’t maximized if using the wrong platform for your target audience. What might work for Generation Z won’t necessarily work for Baby Boomers and vice versa.

There are a number of different factors that relate to social media with each generation, and each one of these factors can impact how successful a marketing campaign is so it’s important to know what these are and how you can utilize them.

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