There is a Science to SEO

SEO can be a bit of a beast. Everyone has their own methods and strategies and advice to give out to anyone who will listen. If you’re like me, you like visually appealing info-graphics that can print nicely and be hung on the wall for reference. The folks at Search Engine Land with Column Five Media have provided a very handy graphic and made my dream come true. Don’t panic; this isn’t high school chemistry class! Each “element” is a key ranking factor to consider to ensure your efforts are producing the best possible results.

The graphic notes both On-The-Page and Off-The-Page SEO factors that help and hurt your performance with a question fixed to each, allowing you to match your efforts against the table. Positive elements include crawl (Ac, “Can search engines easily ‘crawl’ pages on site?”) and negative factors include purchased links (Vp, “Have you purchased links in hopes of better rankings?”).

A bigger PDF version of the table, as well as a printable copy, are available in the link above.


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