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Local Ad Campaigns

Four Different Ways You Can Create Targeted Local Ad Campaigns On Facebook

Facebook has become the most powerful advertising platform for small businesses. The combination of being able to reach people by their interests, social connections, pages that they’ve visited, as well as by their location makes them a very effective and powerful option for small businesses to reach new prospects and customers, and grow their attention and revenue. Learn how to target your local ad campaigns.

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video tools

Video Tools: Soapbox for Creating Videos

A simple browser extension makes it easy for salespeople to create videos for prospects.


Videos are one of the most effective and powerful ways to communicate a message and add personalization to a salesperson’s follow up process.


But creating videos can be a challenge for a lot of people and we certainly don’t want to bog down our salespeople with video editing and too much administration. We’d rather have them talking to prospects.

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Seven Ways to Generate Leads From Instagram

Instagram has been the fastest growing social media platform over the last several years, and now has hundreds of millions of daily users, making it an important place for all businesses to consider doing their marketing.

Until recently, it may have seemed like a platform that wasn’t necessarily ideal for generating leads, but that has definitely changed. Instagram now has several viable ways that businesses can use the platform to generate leads quickly and more affordable.

Let’s cover seven of them.

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Eight Ways You Should Be Marketing on LinkedIn in 2019

LinkedIn continues to be the strongest social media platform for B2B marketing. In addition to being the easiest social channel for finding targeted B2B audiences, LinkedIn has made an aggressive push over the last 12 months to turn itself into a more powerful content marketing platform. This gives you a lot of new options to use LinkedIn for effective marketing in just about any industry.

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Nine Videos Every Small Business Should Create And Use For Their Marketing

As we all know, video has become a very important format for marketing for all types of businesses and all types of marketing platforms. From YouTube to Facebook, to Instagram, video has become the most important format of content in today’s marketing world.

How can you take advantage of video at your business? There are nine videos that every small business should use that are simple to create, but have a big impact.

Here they are.

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content marketing

The Six-Step Process For Creating Marketing Content Even When You Are Very Busy

We’ve all heard that we should be creating more content for our business. Blog posts, videos, podcasts, and social media content (content marketing) have all become a requirement of marketing and growth in just about every industry.


But creating content is definitely time-consuming, and can be the last thing on your list of things to get done on an already busy day. So here’s a six-step process for creating more content even when you’re really busy.

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How Big Should Your Content Marketing Budget Be? Use Our Planning Formula To Find Out…

Marketing Thought Leader Seth Godin has said that “Content marketing is all the marketing that’s left.” If you believe him, then your Content Marketing Budget for content had better reflect the strategic role it has in your marketing plan.


Nearly all businesses have at least some sort of funds allocated to content marketing. According to eMarketer, 84% of all businesses used digital content marketing in 2018.


But how much should you expect to invest in the creation and promotion of content?

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customer-centric marketing

7 Entrepreneurs Every Business Owner Should Follow

The path to growing a small business is never easy nor obvious for a potenial business owner. Sometimes we could all benefit from being able to get inside the head of a good mentor.

Lucky for us, more and more of the smartest people in business and life are sharing their insights online in blogs and podcasts. Whereas a few decades ago you’d have to buy books and attend talks in person, now mind-blowingly great advice is just a few clicks away!

We’ve compiled a list of 10 of the best entrepreneurs that every business owner should be following. Their content and vision will help you cut out bad habits, embrace change and adopt growth strategies that will have an impact.

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content marketing

3 Things You Can Do Immediately To Get Better Response From Your Content Marketing

Not getting the fast results you’re expecting from your content marketing efforts? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We talk to a lot of business owners and marketers, and many of them share that they feel like their content is often falling on deaf ears.

Here are five things you can do today to get more response from your content.

Find a More Intriguing Topic

No, we aren’t suggesting that you start creating content about something else entirely just because it’s a more popular topic.

But we ARE saying that you should do your homework to find the most intriguing angle on the topic you are writing on to give it the best chance at really resonating with your audience.

One way to do this is to look at currently trending stories related to your topic.

One of our old marketing mentors said that we should always “try to speak to the conversation that’s already happening in their mind.”

He meant that if you can find a way to relate your message to something they are already paying attention to and focused on, you’ll have a better chance at getting their attention for yourself.

Your challenge is to find a trending topic that’s already getting a lot of attention, and then tie your message to that topic in a creative way that doesn’t seem too forced!

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